Remote Care for Better Health

Medical Practices

Gestion des soins prolongés à distance

Gestion des soins prolongés à distance

Outside of their offices, physicians don't know what is happening with their patients. That's why Remote Care Management is becoming the "go to" program for seniors across the country. Remote care allows your physician to monitor your health on a continuing basis, so your medical care is always tailored to your needs. And it's covered by Medicare. (Copay may apply.)

works for you

Comprehensive Assessments
Benefit from comprehensive assessments that evaluate your progress for cognitive and emotional skills, allowing you to track your progression throughout the program.
Personalized Cerebellum Exercise Program
Concentration and Focus:
Experience a custom exercise program that targets the Cerebellum, the brain's powerhouse for developing key skills improving areas like:
Fall Prevention
Improved Cognition and Memory
Improved Balance
Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Program Coaches and Reward System
Throughout your CereSkills journey, a dedicated Zing coach will stay in touch to monitor progress, discuss experiences, and address any questions they might have, ensuring a supportive and personalized experience.
You will be motivated by a variety of motivational tools such as badges, bonuses, and celebratory milestones designed to recognize your commitment and keep engaged.
Les résultats des soins à distance ont été remarquables, à tel point que Medicare couvre désormais un large éventail de programmes.

65 % de réduction des admissions à l’hôpital
Réduction de 76 % des réadmissions à l'hôpital
Augmentation de 90 % de la satisfaction des patients
44 % de réduction des visites aux urgences
Amélioration de 51 % de l'observance des médicaments
80 % des Américains soutiennent la surveillance à distance des patients
Your physician needs to be onboard with our program. If you don't know, just fill out the form below and we will contact your doctor's office.
Votre médecin travaille avec notre équipe clinique pour déterminer quelles parties du programme de soins à distance, le cas échéant, vous conviennent le mieux.
Our clinical team will contact you and explain the details of the service(s) that your physician agrees will be of most benefit to keeping you healthy.
Rien ne se passe tant que vous n'avez pas bien compris les programmes et accepté d'y participer.
Le clinicien affecté à vos soins à distance vous contacte et commence le programme pour vous garder en bonne santé et hors de l'hôpital.
Step 1
Step 2
Étape 3
Step 4
Étape 5

Harleigh Cunningham
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