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Remote Care Today

Elevating Patient Care,
Empowering Staff,
& Enhancing Revenue

Play Video to Learn More


Solutions for Valued Based Care Providers

Medical Assistant #ma #nurse #doctor

Benefits to ACO Providers

  • Our service model naturally closes gaps in care over the course of the year vs. a Q4 scramble for increased quality scores.

  • By significantly lowering your readmissions and subsequently lowering your PMPM, it is highly likely that your shared savings will increase.

  • Our staff act as an extension of your practice without adding any employee costs to your bottom line.

  • We adjust our workflow to yours, not the other way around.

  • SHS assumes all risk. No upfront charges for equipment, no data or long-term service contracts. Truly Turnkey.

  • Two options for billing

    • Option One: We bill CMS using our NPI number; CMS pays us; we pay you (most providers prefer this method)

    • Option Two: We send you a superbill each month; you bill CMS using your NPI number; CMS pays you; you pay us. (We will not bill you for incomplete episodes or services)

  • Increased FFS revenue.

  • EMR integration for seamless data access.

With 24 remote care management CPT codes, CMS will pay physicians to provide remote patient monitoring, or a physician may contract with a qualified provider like us, to provide these services on behalf of the physician.


Regular communication to assure:            

  • Mental & Physical Wellness

  • Vitals Collected & Transmitted Regularly        

  • Medication Adherence                          

  • Healthy Habits /Exercise Adherence

  • Following Plan of Care  

Remote Care Today's full turnkey solution provides medical licensed staff to do the work for the practice



Diabetes Disease Management

CCM - Chronic Care Management

RPM - Remote Physiologic/Patient Monitoring

RTM - Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

BHI - Behavioral Health Integration

      Plus: AWV, TCM, PCM, PIN, CHI, SDOH, CGT



Senior with Grandson Smiling because she gets to age with dignity

65% Reduction in Hospital Admissions (

76% Reduction in Hospital Readmissions. (

90% Increase in Patient Satisfaction

(University of Pittsburgh)

44% Reduction in ER Visits (

51% Improvement in Medication Compliance (Center of Control Disease)

80% of Americans support remote patient monitoring (

$81 billion saved for US healthcare – 2018 (

25% of Americans would switch physicians for remote care (

  • We do it all ( No additional staffing on your part )

  • No upfront expense - No equipment cost

  • Reduce staffing workload

  • New staff for your practice at no cost

  • Happier and more efficient practice

  • Healthier and happier patients

  • New net revenue for your practice


Turnkey Patient Solution,
All Done for You

Couple living their best life after going on remote care management program


Comprehensive Assessments
Benefit from comprehensive assessments that evaluate your patient's cognitive and emotional skills, allowing you to track your progression throughout the program.
Personalized Cerebellum Exercise Program
Concentration and Focus Experience a custom exercise program that targets the Cerebellum,
the brain's powerhouse for developing key skills.
Improving areas like:

  • Fall Prevention

  • Improved Cognition

  • Improved Memory

  • Improved Balance

  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety 

​​Program Coaches and Reward System
Throughout your patient's journey, a dedicated Zing coach
will stay in touch to monitor progress, discuss experiences, and address any questions they might have, ensuring a supportive and personalized experience.
Your patients will  be motivated by a variety of motivational tools such as badges, bonuses, and celebratory milestones designed to recognize your commitment and keep them engaged.

CereSkills is an innovative, research-backed program that taps into how we learn. It’s not about acquiring more knowledge or studying harder. Instead, it is exercising the brain, so it learns to automate processes, store more information, and make it easier to learn and experience new things. With Cereskills, you can unlock a wealth of skills and abilities through brain-body training.

CereSkills is an innovative, research-backed program that taps into how we learn. It’s not about acquiring more knowledge or studying harder. Instead, it is exercising the brain, so it learns to automate processes, store more information, and make it easier to learn and experience new things. With Cereskills, you can unlock a wealth of skills and abilities through brain-body training.

How CereSkills Prevents Decline & Recovers Skills


CereSkills is an innovative, research-backed program that taps into how we learn. It’s not about acquiring more knowledge or studying harder. Instead, it is exercising the brain, so it learns to automate processes, store more information, and make it easier to learn and experience new things. With Cereskills, you can unlock a wealth of skills and abilities through brain-body training.

90 Days show amazing results! 

Click through to see the different areas of improvement!


CereSkills Portal 

  • Weekly Email Reminders 

  • Your users in one spot to sign off on

  • Easy to use 

  • Fast to document 


Elevating Patient Care and Enhancing Revenue

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Roger, Age 65

Randy, Age 60

Alice, Age 90



Wynford Dore, Founder  #Zing Performance, #CereSkills

In these two videos, Wynford Dore explains how and why he became involved  in the neuro-science that became Zing Performance's powerful products, including CereSkills, CereMind, and CereFit, leading to  the 25 years of efficacy studies that give credence to the truly amazing results Zing clients have seen.

CereSkills has proven to be life-changing for seniors across the globe. We encourage you to spend a few minutes watching these videos. You will be glad you did!

Wynford Dore, Founder

Zing Performance, CereSkills


Your Care Consultant is:

Regi King

(903) 268-2698

CereSkills is an innovative, research-backed program that taps into how we learn. It’s not about acquiring more knowledge or studying harder. Instead, it is exercising the brain, so it learns to automate processes, store more information, and make it easier to learn and experience new things. With Cereskills, you can unlock a wealth of skills and abilities through brain-body training.

CereSkills is an innovative, research-backed program that taps into how we learn. It’s not about acquiring more knowledge or studying harder. Instead, it is exercising the brain, so it learns to automate processes, store more information, and make it easier to learn and experience new things. With Cereskills, you can unlock a wealth of skills and abilities through brain-body training.

CereSkills is an innovative, research-backed program that taps into how we learn. It’s not about acquiring more knowledge or studying harder. Instead, it is exercising the brain, so it learns to automate processes, store more information, and make it easier to learn and experience new things. With Cereskills, you can unlock a wealth of skills and abilities through brain-body training.

Why decline in seniors occurs


  • Improved Cognition

  • Improved Memory

  • Improved Balance

How CereSkills Prevents Decline & Recovers Skills




Roger, Age 65

Randy, Age 60

Alice, Age 90



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Roger, Age 65

Randy, Age 60

Alice, Age 90


Wynford Dore, Founder  #Zing Performance, #CereSkills  #dementia #science

In these two videos, Wynford Dore explains how and why he became involved  in the neuro-science that became Zing Performance's powerful products, including CereSkills, CereMind, and CereFit, leading to  the 25 years of efficacy studies that give credence to the truly amazing results Zing clients have seen.

CereSkills has proven to be life-changing for seniors across the globe. We encourage you to spend a few minutes watching these videos. You will be glad you did!

Wynford Dore, Founder

Zing Performance, CereSkills


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